There are four basic salary levels for teachers and reception class educators at independent schools.
The basic salary levels apply for the following periods of employment.
Basic salary levels | Amount as of 1 April 2024 |
1 | 28.623,68 kr./md. |
2 | 30.501,50 kr./md. |
3 | 33.331,68 kr./md. |
4 | 35.960.67 kr./md. |
Basic salary levels | Amount as of 1 April 2024 |
1 | 27.763,32 kr./md. |
2 | 29.104,68 kr./md. |
3 | 30.191,11 kr./md. |
4 | 32.109,24 kr./md. |
When you are placed on a basic salary level, your seniority must include the time you have worked as a teacher in municipal primary and lower secondary schools, at publicly certified or subsidised schools (including independent schools), and for exam courses.
Your pay seniority is calculated from the first of the month and always in full months.