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Termination of membership

Here you can read how to terminate your membership of Frie Skolers Lærerforening. Please contact us, if you have any doubts

Are you in doubt?

The vast majority of resignations are due to a job change to another collective agreement area.

If you are not satisfied with your experience of Frie Skolers Lærerforening, we would very much like to know why, so that we can make it better. 

If you are in doubt as to whether you should opt out, talk to a consultant who can give you an overview of how Frie Skolers Lærerforening can help in your particular situation. 

Remember that your membership fee may have changed

If your employment has changed, this may affect your quota.

Have you become unemployed?
Have you gone down in time?
Are you going on maternity leave?
Is your cancellation due to pension?

How to terminate your membership

We need to have your cancellation in writing. Write your full name, your address, your membership number and the reason you are unsubscribing. If you are dissatisfied with your experience as a member, we would very much like to know why, so that we can make it better.  

Send your cancellation to fsl@fsl.dk or by letter to:

Frie Skolers Lærerforening
Ravnsøvej 6
8240 Risskov