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Terms of reference
Frie Skolers Lærerforening offers to visit all members and potential members at the school.
If you would be interested in such a visit, please contact us to set a date.
Purpose and Activities
The committee will help organise teachers at international schools and in international departments and strengthen the professional networks in this group of members.
The committee safeguards the interests of the international teachers, among other things by:
- Keeping informed about and working with the international teachers’ general requests and special challenges
- Keeping informed about the work in the union’s general council and via the contact person present the committee’s opinions
- Organise the annual meeting and workshop for the international group
- Help create a high level of information for the international teachers in the Teachers’ Union for Danish Independent Schools
The committee has two to four members who are employed at international schools or in international departments.
The committee also has as a contact person appointed by the general council of the Teachers’ Union for Danish Independent Schools
Contact Person – Responsibilities
The contact person appointed by the general council has the following responsibilities:
- Participate in committee meetings and events
- Be the link between the committee and the general council of the Teachers’ Union for Danish Independent Schools
- Approve the committee’s budget, annual meeting program etc. on behalf of the general council of the Teachers’ Union for Danish Independent Schools – for additional information, see The Rules of Procedure
Election and Appointments
All elections are valid for one year. Re-elections are allowed. Candidacy and election take place in connection with the annual meeting for the international teachers in the Teachers’ Union for Danish Independent Schools.
Candidacy can take place in writing to the chairman of the committee before the annual meeting as well as by attending the annual meeting in question.
The date and time of the annual meeting are announced in the member magazine “Frie Skoler” (Independent Schools) no later than two months before the meeting.
Four members and two substitute members will be elected.
In connection with the election, a secret ballot may be requested.
At the first committee meeting after the election, the committee appoints a chairman, a deputy chairman and a keeper of the minutes among the elected committee members.
The chairman of the committee will be invited to the union’s board of representatives’ [2] meetings as a guest. The Teachers’ Union for Danish Independent Schools covers the costs according to the same principles as the ones that apply to an elected delegate.
The Rules of Procedure
The committee makes its own rules of procedure based on the following:
The agenda as well as time and place of the two to four annual committee meetings will be decided by the chairman and the contact person based on the fact that, as a rule, meetings should be held on Wednesdays or Thursdays at Hornstrup Kursuscenter or at the union’s main office in Risskov.
The committee meetings should be chaired by the chairman, or if she/he is not attending, by the deputy chairman. Items for the agenda for the annual meeting should be sent to the chairman of the committee no later than two weeks before the annual meeting.
The agenda for the annual meeting must, as a minimum, have the following items:
- Welcome
- Election of a chairman of the meeting and a keeper of the minutes
- The chairman’s report
- Submitted suggestions
- Election of four committee members for the next period
- Election of two committee member substitutes for the next period
- Other
The committee’s budget, annual meeting program, etc. should be approved by the contact person on behalf of the general council. The contact person can, if needed, ask the general council to submit input for professional presentations etc. for the annual meeting.
The minutes of the committee meetings and the annual meeting should be sent to the general council’s consultant in the union’s main office.
The general council sets a financial framework in connection with the union’s general budget procedure and adoption. As a minimum, the framework will cover the costs for up to four committee meetings, an annual meeting as well as the international workshop at the union’s own conference centre.
The committee is not allowed to make financial commitments beyond the annual amount granted in the financial framework without the approval of the general council.
Costs for transportation to committee meetings and events are covered: the most inexpensive public transportation or the state’s mileage allowance rate. The train, bus, bridge, boat and parking receipts, etc., should be presented in connection with the settlement of the costs.
If needed, a free substitute teacher is granted for a maximum of one day per committee member per committee meeting.
The decision to dissolve the committee can be made solely by the general council of the Teachers’ Union for Danish Independent Schools in accordance with its rules of procedure.