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Membership fee

As a member, you get a tax deduction of up to DKK 7,000 annually and we automatically report your payment to tax, so you get the deduction you are entitled to. 

Find your membership fee

Your membership fee depends on your current employment. Therefore, remember to inform us as soon as possible about changes that affect your fee.

Employment of more than halftime as a teacher
DKK 590/month

Remember tax deductions of up to DKK 7000 annually

  • Employed half-time or less incl. flexible work (new scheme) and maternity benefits

    DKK 295/month

  • Sick on unemployment benefit or unemployed

    DKK 200/month

  • Students in a paid internship at a college

    DKK 340/month

Important to know about your membership fee

There are a number of cases where it is important that you inform Frie Skolers Lærerforening, so that your membership fee can be adapted to your current situation.

Contact us to get answers about your membership fee and your membership of the Frie Skolers Lærerforening.

If there are changes in your employment
If you are in your first teaching job
If you are on leave without pay
If you are on maternity leave, unemployed or ill