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Become a member of Frie Skolers Lærerforening

The right choice for you as a foreign teacher at an international school og international department at an independant school

Four professional reasons to become a member as an international teacher

  • You will join a professional community for international teachers

    As an international teacher the membership means that you become part of a strong community of international teachers throughout the country and at your own school.

  • You are supporting a mouthpiece for you and other international teachers

    We are not content with solving the individual member's problems. We also raise general problems to a higher level and seek common solutions.

  • You get unique advice from experts in your conditions

    When you contact the union, you get help that is based on unique knowledge and experience regarding rules and conditions at the independent schools.

  • You support the collective agreement

    It is Frie Skolers Lærerforening that negotiates your collective agreement. Therefore, we also help to ensure that the collective agreement is respected.

20 experts at your disposal

20 professional consultants work at the Frie Skolers Lærerforening’s secretariat, who deal with more than 20,000 member inquiries per year. 

The consultants know the rules inside out, they have deep knowledge of the conditions at the independent schools in general and international schools specifically, and the consultants therefore know how to handle your inquiry in the best way.

Access to benefits and discounts

As a member of the Frie Skolers Lærerforening, you get access to a number of attractive benefits and discounts.

5% interest on your salary account
Earn bonus on your purchases
Get well insured with Lærerstandens Brandforsikring

Membership fee

Your membership fee always depends on your current employment. If you are in your first teaching job , you will receive a free subscription for the first three months after your employment date.

Employment for more than half time

DKK 590/month

Tax deduction of up to DKK 7.000 annually

  • Employed half-time or less incl. flexible work (new scheme) and maternity benefits

    DKK 295/month

  • Sick on unemployment benefit or unemployed

    DKK 200/month

  • Students in paid internships

    DKK 340/month

How to join us

  • You fill in the registration form online
  • We will process your registration and get back to you if we have any questions
  • You will receive an email and a welcome letter confirming your membership
  • You pay the subscription from the 1st of the month after registration. If you are in your first teaching job, you do not pay dues for the first three months after the date of employment.