The school must estimate your total time for individual preparation. There are no requirements for a specific form of time estimation, e.g. a preparation factor or differentiated preparation for certain subjects. But you are entitled to a reasonable balance between teaching and preparation.
The working time agreement states that there must be a connection between the quality of teaching the school expects, and the time granted to teachers to prepare their teaching.
As a minimum, your task overview must include an estimate of how much time it is expected that you will spend on preparation. One of the important reasons that you and your school administrator must discuss the task overview is to ensure that it supports a reasonable balance between teaching and preparation.
If you are uncertain about how you should distribute your working hours between teaching and preparation, you should discuss this with the school administrator to ensure a common understanding between you and school.
Your preparation time must be planned in a way that gives you coherent and effective time for preparation. Therefore, the individual preparation cannot be scheduled during student breaks where you have teaching both before and after the break.
If you experience a reduction in your individual preparation time, you can request the scheduling of your preparation time. You can only be given other tasks during this scheduled time if there are completely unforeseen and urgent needs.
The time allocated for teaching is stated in your task overview. In the determination of your total teaching hours, the school’s administrator must take into account whether you are part-time employed, have an age-related reduction in hours, are in the process of continuing education, have expanded responsibilities and functions, or are a new employee.