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Accruing of holiday entitlement

All wage earners in Denmark have the right to 25 days of holiday per year. This applies regardless of whether they have earned the right to 25 days of paid holiday. 

Accrual period

Holiday with pay is accrued during the holiday year, which runs from 1 September to 31 August (12 months).

Holiday is used during the holiday use period, which runs from 1 September to 31 December the following year (16 months). This is thereby concurrent holiday, as the holiday is accrued and used at the same time/on a running basis.

As holiday is accrued and used during the same period, the school must keep a running record of how much holiday each employee accrues and uses. 

What counts towards the accrual of holiday days?

The right to paid holiday is accrued by working, but can also be accrued during parental leave periods and other periods of leave.

You accrue the right to paid holiday:

  • When you work.
  • When you are on sick leave.
  • When you use holiday.
  • When you use extra holiday entitlement days.
  • When you take care days and your child’s first and second sick day.
  • When you take pregnancy, parental and adoption leave.
  • When you are relieved of your work duties.

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