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Inconvenience allowance

Inconvenience allowance at primary and lower secondary schools

If, as an employee of a primary and lower secondary school, you work between the hours of 17:00 and 06:00 on weekdays, weekends or public holidays, you must be paid an inconvenience allowance in addition to your regular salary. The allowance is calculated hourly at 25% of your hourly pay. 

  • You must be paid the inconvenience allowance in connection with the next salary payment. The allowance is paid for the actual number of hours you have been at work.
  • It is the administration’s responsibility to ensure correct payment of the inconvenience allowance, but the administration can ask the employee to register hours with inconvenience allowance.

Weekend allowance at primary and lower secondary schools

For work on weekends and public holidays, you must receive compensation for each hour of work for the time spent + 50%.

For work between the hours of 00:00 on Saturday to 00:00 Monday and on public holidays from 00:00 to 00:00 the following day, you receive both inconvenience allowance at 25% of your hourly pay and compensation for the hours worked + 50%.

  • The hours you earn as compensation for work during weekends and public holidays must either be paid or offset with paid time off. 
  • The administration decides how they will settle these hours. If the school chooses to grant you paid time off, this can be provided by rescheduling your working hours before or after the weekend in question.
  • Working hours on days off are calculated separately and are not part of the general calculation of your total working hours.

Allowance for school camps and similar activities at primary and lower secondary schools

When you participate in school camps and other overnight events, you do not receive inconvenience allowance. 

Instead, you receive:

  • A non-pensionable supplement per day of 163.64 DKK (31/3 2012 level) per started day, Monday-Friday.
  • A non-pensionable supplement per day of 372.20 DKK (31/3 2012 level) per started day of work on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

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