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Notification rules for parental leave

Notification rules for mothers

Notification rules before birth

As a pregnant woman, you must inform the school of your expected date of birth no later than three months before your due date. You have the right to go on pregnancy leave six weeks before the due date.

Frie Skolers Lærerforening recommends that you notify your school administrator of the pregnancy as early as possible, as this ensures you extra protection against termination.

Notification rules after birth

Within six weeks after the birth of your child, you must inform the school of the length of your parental leave, including when you will resume work. 

You can contact the secretariat at Frie Skolers Lærerforening for assistance. We can draw up a parent leave overview for you that you can give to the school. 

Please contact us in good time before the end of this six-week deadline.

Postponement of parental leave

If you wish to postpone some parental leave, you have a legal right to postpone up to five weeks of leave for a later time. The postponement must be notified to the school within six weeks of the birth.

If you postpone up to five weeks of leave before this deadline, you can take this leave in one continuous period while employed for your current or a future employer, on the condition that you give eight weeks’ notice.

Additional postponement beyond five weeks of leave must be agreed upon with your school, including the scheduling of when you will take it.

Postponed parental leave can be taken until the child turns nine years old.

Notification rules for fathers and co-mothers

Notification rules before birth 

As a father or co-mother, you must notify the school that you want to take paternity/co-maternal leave no later than four weeks before the due date. You have the right to two weeks of paternal/co-maternal leave.

If you want to take additional leave within the first 10 weeks after birth, this must also be notified to the school no later than four weeks before the due date.

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