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Violence and threats

Violence is not only physical violence such as assault, kicking, punching, biting, spitting and throwing objects. Violence can also be psychological, including threats and other offensive behaviour.

If you are subjected to violence and threats

If you are subjected to violence and threats, it is crucial that you report this to your school administrator. The Danish Act on Working Environment stipulates that all episodes of violence and threats at the school must be registered – including, for example, exhausting or extreme conflicts that do not escalate to physical violence.

The school’s working environment organisation uses these records in connection with its efforts to prevent conflicts and violence.

Reporting violence and threats as a workplace injury

If you are physically or psychologically injured in connection with your work, the school must report this as a workplace injury on the website easy.dk.

The school reports the incident to the school’s insurance company and the Danish Working Environment Authority according to the rules that apply for reporting. Frie Skolers Lærerforening recommends that you request a copy of the report.

Read more about workplace injuries

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