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Official meeting

Official meetings, or tjenstlige samtaler in Danish, are not specifically defined in Danish labour and employment law. Therefore, there is no authoritative definition of the term “an official meeting”. An official meeting must not be confused with a performance review.

However, an “official meeting” is generally understood as a meeting where the school administrator wants to discuss a teacher’s performance of their roles and responsibilities.

Warning/reprimand after an official meeting

An official meeting may conclude with a warning/reprimand containing a precise statement about what the teacher must change in the performance of their tasks, and what may happen if the teacher does not comply with the instructions in the warning/reprimand. 

  • An official warning/reprimand is the school administrator’s most powerful recourse before termination in the form of dismissal or expulsion. An official warning/reprimand may be written and/or verbal.
  • The teacher is not obliged to “Approve”, ”Accept” or “Confirm” a written document. It is a working paper prepared by the school administrator, and the teacher may disagree with the content.
  • The teacher can sign the document indicating that they have “seen” it or received a copy of it. Thus, this is not an acceptance of the contents, but only an acknowledgement that the teacher in question has been made aware of the contents.

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