When you are hired at an independent school, you must be provided with a letter of appointment that contains all of the significant conditions for your employment.
The school will often choose to provide all information at the same time in a letter of appointment.
Requirements for the content of your letter of appointment
Some information must be provided no later than seven days after hiring, and other information must be provided no later than one month after hiring.
- Your and the school’s name and address. (7 days)
- Where you will work and, if there is no fixed place of work, where you will mainly be working. (7 days)
- Your job title. (7 days)
- Your first day of employment. (7 days)
- If the position is temporary, how long the employment lasts. Frie Skolers Lærerforening recommends that the reason for the temporary nature of the position is stated in the letter of appointment. (7 days)
- Whether a probationary period has been agreed. (7 days)
- Your rights regarding holidays and other paid time off. (1 month)
- Your and the school’s notice of termination. (1 month)
- Your salary, pension contribution, any supplements and other salary components, e.g. room and board, and the salary payment intervals. (7 days)
- Your working hours. An employment percentage is typically indicated. (7 days)
- If the school offers the right to ongoing education, this must be stated. (1 month)
- Which collective agreements cover your work. (1 month)
- Which social security institutions will receive the social contributions associated with your employment. (1 month)
Some of the above points can be fulfilled by referring to the collective agreement.