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Time off and leave

The school can grant a teacher time off (leave/days off) in accordance with section 25 of the collective agreement. Agreement-based time off can be granted without pay, with partial pay or with full pay, depending on the circumstances for which the time off is granted.

Time off with pay

It can be agreed locally that a number of events can trigger time off with pay. These guidelines are part of the school’s staff policy, and are agreed in the Collaboration Committee, MIO, etc.

Buying individual days off

If you buy individual days off, the amount deducted is calculated as 7.4 hours/1924 from your annual pay per day off.

Civic duties

Civic duties include serving as an election official for city council, regional council or national parliament election, as well as appointment as a lay judge or jury member.

  • With pay: As a general rule, time off is generally granted without a reduction in pay, and with full pension if the civic duty is unpaid. Meal allowances, e.g. for an election official, are not considered pay and thus do not allow for a reduction in pay.
  • Without pay: When performing a civic duty for which you receive payment or compensation for loss of earnings, time off is granted with a corresponding reduction in pay. Duties as lay judge, jury member or witness are considered unpaid.

Absence of urgent reasons

You are entitled to time off when urgent family reasons apply in cases of illness or accidents that make your presence urgently necessary.

Whether you are covered by this right depends on a specific assessment of the given circumstances.

The scope of this provision is not clear, but a right to paid leave will likely only be granted for short periods. Contact Frie Skolers Lærerforening if disagreement arises regarding this right.

Care for close relations

The rules on care for close relations depends on the reason that the person needs to be cared for.

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