As an employee, you must report sickness to your employer. If you are unemployed, you must report sick to your A-kasse.
You must always report sick on the first day that you are sick. This also applies during holiday and on regular days off, but not during weekends off or on work-free public holidays.
You must always follow the guidelines for reporting sick set out by your employer or by the A-kasse. It varies from school to school whether you have to report by calling or if you can simply send a text message. You should be able to find this information in the school’s employee handbook.
You are not required to inform the school of the nature or cause of your sickness, but the school will often want to know how long you expect to be on sick leave.
We at Frie Skolers Lærerforening are often asked if it is possible to get time off (with pay) to go to an appointment at one’s own doctor, specialist, dentist or the hospital. In the view of Frie Skolers Lærerforening, the school must follow the applicable guidelines set out by the Agency for the Modernisation of Public Administration.
These guidelines encourage schools to consider this question in their staff policy, ensuring clarity for employees.
Reporting fit-for-work must be done no later than the day before returning to work (check the school’s employee handbook to see the precise details for your school).
If you a full-time or part-time teacher or reception class educator, you have the right to normal pay during sickness.