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Care days

You have two care days (omsorgsdage) per calendar year per child, up to and including the year that the child turns seven years old. If you have children age seven or younger, you must remember to use your care days before the new year. If you do not, your entitlement to these days will become void.

Use of care days

Care days are days that the teacher/reception class educator can freely use to provide care for the child. There are no special conditions regarding the purposes for which these days can be used. The days can be used when needed, e.g. in connection with the child’s sickness, start in a new daycare institution, doctor’s visits, birthdays, etc. 

Notification of care days

Care days do not have to be notified in advance, and the school can only refuse your taking a care day if it is incompatible with your duties. However, you should of course always notify the school as far in advance as possible.

Right to care days

The right to care days applies for biological parents, adoptive parents and legal guardians. However, in all cases it is a condition that the child must have “residence” with the employee, i.e. the child either has their registered address or regularly stays with the employee.

An employee with whom the child stays but is not the child’s biological parent, adoptive parent or legal guardian is not entitled to care days.

A child is always considered “at home” when it is staying with its biological father, mother or adoptive parents. Cases that fall outside of these categories are decided according to an assessment of the given circumstances. Contact Frie Skolers Lærerforening. 

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