FSL’s salary campaign begins

From the beginning of March and throughout the month, you’ll come across advertisements telling us how teachers at the independent schools earn too little compared to those at public schools.

D 7. marts 2016

af Mikkel Hvid, Kommunikationschef

The advertisements will be present on buses and social media, is a part of FSL’s current salary campaign. Teachers at independent schools on average earn DKK 1000 less than their public school colleagues (on a monthly basis), while independent boarding school teachers are earning DKK 1500 less -  while they should be earning about DKK 500 more due to their weekend and evening work.

If the independent schools do not get better at paying out the de-centralised, local pay by 2018 (when the agreement runs out), the difference in salaries will be doubled.

The salary campaign can be seen on the campaign homepage fairlærerløn.dk